ok so I have been slacking on the photo updates.... Christmas was so much fun with a 3 year old who disclaimed...'I always wanted one of these!!"... (that phrase must be programmed into kids at birth..lol)
and a baby girl who couldn't get enough of eating the wrapping paper!!

Here are the kids in their new Christmas morning jammies that Grandma got them from
I can not WAIT to scrap these pics!! Thankfully, we had to wake up Brigham at nearly 9 am!! Tatum started squirming about 15 minutes later. Gave us time to get showers (and then back into OUR matching jammies that my mom also got Andrew and I.. and get the coffee rolling!)

Santa got BRig one of these from Lilly's Kids. He was so impressed that it came with a matching bag with HIS name on it. How did Santa know that????
So needless to say, no pushing or prodding, necessary, and this kid had the camera to his face the rest of the day.. and at my mom's house later on.
He kept telling people, to 'stand like this' and 'look at me'...LOL
don't know where he gets it from. Funny thing is, is that its just a lil 34 mm film, (but we didn't put film in it yet) and he is having a blast, just winding it up and snapping shots. the FLASH is a huge deal!! LOL.. wait til he finds out he can
actually take pictures!!
and Santa brought him a sleeping bag, and some aqua doodle things, and cars, and Deigo stuff. and Thomas stuff. and at 3 years old, my dad thought he needed a big Tonka firetruck with sound, etc.. and my mom got him a big yellow Tonka dumptruck.and well.. way toooo much stuff!!

(he is officially becoming all BOY)
and Santa didn't forget that this kid only wanted a Candy Cane.!!!
Tatum enjoyed the paper. She basically got clothes and a few teether toys, and other little rattles, etc.. She did get the teddy bear, thanks to Big Brother telling Santa for her. Its pink.. and oh, SOOOO soft.!!

Brigham is prepping to become a band nerd. my mom got him this sax.and its pretty much in his hands all the time!! these bowl games have been quite the hit for him with all the marchi

ng bands... (much to Andrew's dismay....)
And we're also addicted to Learning things.. thanks to the LEapfrog Computer from Andrew's parents. Brig thinks he's such big stuff, and he tells us how to use the 'mouse'!!
and my dad got him another type of leapfrog thing, where you put a book in it, and then you use a pointer pen, and teaches reading and stuff.
This kid is seriously such a nerd!!... but a cutie one for sure!! LOL
and Tatum got her first baby doll. My mom got her this Madame Alexander baby Huggums.

I actually had one when I was about her age. She has taken to her quite well and sleeps with her every night.
Santa brought Andrew season one of the OFFICE, and a new thinline bible and of course Broncho stuff.
I got a bunch of clothes, some christmas dishes, 2 Sandra Lee cookbooks, and a bunch of cake decorating stuff...
I am hoping to really push my business this year. I got several cool new pans. Can't wait to use them!
We spent our tradional Christmas Eve with my dad.. went to church, tried to let Brigham experience the candle light service.. but ahhhh, didn't go so well... so off to the nursery he went!!
then we ate dinner at the tradional Chinese restaurant. We always have to silently break out into 'FA RA RA RA RA"
...(christmas story)......
It was fun to have my brother back in town this year.
Our Christmas morning was just us four.. we took it slow.. I made monkey bread...YUMMM!
we stayed in our jammies and went to my mom's house for gifts.... LOTS of gifts.. and then we changed for Christmas dinner. she always does a fancy Crown Roast, and lots of gourmet stuff. We ate way too much.. barely had room for Grasshopper pie!!
anyway, thats a rap... hope you all had wonderful holidays.. and are getting into the swing of a new year!!
...I'll post pics from New Years Eve, cuz it was really fun.. and then from Brigham as he makes his debut as a ring bearer this weekend in my cousin's wedding!
Hope you all have a great day!