Yep. I now feel OLD.
I helped out yesterday for 7.5 hours cooking, serving and cleaning up for our women's ministry event at church. and my back and legs, and feet are feeling it!
There were three of us for the majority of the time. Finally, we were able to sample the fruits of our labor... YUMMMM and it was good. cept their were no more green bean bundles. wrapped in bacon and covered in a brown sugar and garlic sauce. NOPE, after assembling over 220 of those little guys... we ran out !. guess women, are not afraid to eat in public!!LOL
no really. it was a great time, and we heard a fabulous speaker as she talked on exepting the wonderful invitations Christ has for us.
and open invitation. PRETTY COOL HUH?
so, since the kiddos were taken care of, my friend and I went to a local bistro for some drinks.
3 hours later, we made it home. our husbands were re living their childhood playing super mario!!
thankfully the kids were all in bed. and Brigham ended up having his FIRST sleep over!!
he was so excited to be in a sleeping bag in the girls room. and he could have cared less that his parents were not there.
We picked him up around lunch time.. and he was already to go back tonight, for another sleep over!!
figured we should give our friends a break from him.. lol.
I had a really great birthday. celebrated on Monday night with my dad at a local pizza place known for fried dough balls.

YEP. FRIED DOUGH. dipped in cheese. and then pizza. and of course my dessert. cuz it was my birthday.
and then the next day (my actual birthday) I got into my car to find the newest cd from him sitting on my driver seat with a note that said. "Play track one."

I treated myself to this after dropping Brig at preschool.
then did the normal dusting, dishes, laundry, etc. JOY!!
That evening, we met my mom and brother at Olive Garden.
I can't believe it, b/c I am so not a chain kinda person. But I had seen a commercial the week before for this lasagna rollatini with chicken and alfredo.
the power of television, I tell ya.
SO off we went. and a few glasses of wine later. and some cheap entertainment(thats why we bring the kids along!).I was stuffed!..
but not to stuffed to have some chocolate tuxedo mousse cake. and they also brought me out their little cake. and sang.

Brigham loved that.
it was lots of fun and of course, my mom over did it with the gifts. and I am still trying to pick out which office armoire and file cabinets I want. hopefully they'll be ordered soon!
after dinner, Andrew took me to Target, and I picked up $50 worth of stuff that I just had to have.
it was sort of the 'so I could actually have something on my birthday' deal.
Appearantly he has been working on something for months. He secretly has been running errands and strategically talking to a couple people on the phone. He keeps asking if any packages arrived. He says he is 95% done. I am completely in the dark. He tells me it will all be worth it. BUT I WANT IT NOW!!!!(like varuka salt) I am dying here people!!
well, I am off to scrap some.. kids are in bed.. hubby is out playing cards.
hope you're all having a great weekend.
and any of you have any guesses to what Andrew is getting me???
LOVE a goood bday hunt. i want to know what it is!!!!
that pizza looks AMAZING. not helping my postbaby diet ;)
and how come i can only see your blog when you post comments on mine? i try to look at yours throught what i think is your address,and i can't get it. weird. i have a new computer now, maybe that will help.
hope you get a lot of scrapping done!!!
Happy Birthday brown eyed girl! :) You have such pretty eyes! Love all those pictures! Love the last one of you and the kids! Way too cute. Hmmm I wonder what Andrew got you. I'm sure it will be awesome! Have a GREAT day!
Just saw your comment on my blog! Oh girl you are going to loveeeeeeeee that camera. It's the same as mine! :) Check out this site! It's VERY helpful!
I'm so excited fro you! Woo Hoo!
Way to go Andrew!!!! =)
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