"daddy , daddy, we are going to decorationed the house for your burrrrrthday.. because me and mommy and Tatum are going to make you breakfast and we bought you presents because its your burrrrrthday"!!
"daddy, do you know how old you're going to be?"
dad- "Yep."
Brigham- " is it reeeeeeeely old?"
Brigham- "is it as old as mommy?"

And the first thing was : Lemonheads.
Because "they are daddy's favorite".. (or maybe Brigham's?... though I don't know that he's ever had them. I am banking that the little dude on the yellow box was enticing enough!)
And then we kept shopping, and I asked Brigham what else he wanted to get daddy.. He said A CAKE!!
I though for a second, and almost scolded the boy "how dare you ask for a wal mart cake for daddy's birthday, when your mama has a cake business, and makes much better from-scratch cakes with fancy designs and stuff".. but I didn't and we walked over to the bakery.
Brigham picked out a carrot cake, because he said " daddy Loves carrots".
Then the boy took off to the produce section, and when I asked him what he was doing, he told me " getting daddy an apple and an orange for his birthday, because, daddy LOVES apples and oranges."!
So we proudly came home with Lemon heads, a carrot cake, an apple and an orange.
Brigham came busting in the door, saying 'Daddy, guess what we got something that's a surprise for mommy's birthday(and then puts his hands around his mouth and whispers.. "its not Mommy's birthday!! ..lol)..
what a little stinker. he's a jokester at four.

Funny story about the red plate.. it was a tradition in my family growing up, that we got it on birthdays, or if we did well on a test, or had a game, or play performance of some kind..
So last year we were meeting with the missionaries, and we discovered that Elder Johnston was turning 21 on the same day Andrew was turning 30!! So we had Johnston and his companion, Elder Billings over for a birthday celebration.. gave Johnston the red plate.. and he told us that his mom did this for them too. In fact since they don't really have much contact with their families while on their mission, Johnston's mom had mailed him a plastic red plate on which she wrote "you are special today!".
So a year later, Oliver emailed Andrew and we all had a laugh remembering our time with them last year.
Crazy how a year has gone past. He's in school at BYU and our other elder just got married. We were so excited to get his invitation, and would have loved to travel to Utah to witness his ceremony in the SLC temple! I can only imagine how gorgeous it would have been.
So a digression.. here, but we hope to be able to see these guys sometime in the next year.

I actually cropped this one closer and like it better, so it' probably going to be our Christmas card photo.
speaking of, I just got some fun new templates, that I can't wait to play with.. next week, I'll post some samples.
still trying to finish editing from a session of one year old triplets from last week!! oh, my they were so cute, and really pretty cooperative!
I'll leave you with some other faves from our family shoot.

on the leg thing.. had to go to urgent care AGAIN last night. I have a lovely staff infection. They took off the steri strips , so now I have this nice gaping hole again. Its not oozing as much, but they cleaned it out, and covered it. So now instead of an inconvenient mole the size of an eraser top, I will now I have a lovely red scar about 4-5 times that size!!
I have a stupid cold too... the one where your head is so stuffed up and no matter how hard you blow your nose(to where you see stars!), hardly anything comes out.
I am looking forward to a relaxing weekend. Andrew is going to be away tonight for a big WII tournament, and so I am having a friend come over to scrap.
Its been a long time since I have been productive. I have like 3-4 layouts started.. just sort of got stuck on them! I am soooo far behind its ridiculous!
so wish me luck, that I'll get something done.
happy Friday ya'll!
1 comment:
OH MY..what a great family picture and the one of the two kids is awesome..there's no way mine would do that!
Sorry about your leg..that damn staph junk..that's what I had under my arms...keep a close eye on that!
Hope you get to feeling better and got some layouts done! :)
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