yep that was me this past weekend. ugh. actually it has been me the last two weekends and kinda during the week too. ugh.
but mostly this weekend, I thought I was GONNA die. seriously.
I became quite good friends with the porcelain throne, and realized that I need to re caulk around my cabinets and bath tubs. I stayed in my velour jogging (lounging) suit for two days and pretty much didn't get off the couch. I suffered thru 4 hours alone with the munchkins, while Andrew went off to watch Purdue kick IU 's booty! seriously , it was not even a game. PU smoked them! great way for our Coach to end the season and his career as a Boilermaker.
Luckily, Andrew was in full daddy gear when he got home, so he kept them entertained, and fed and bathed, while I was dying on the couch.
Sunday, Andrew had to work the worship team at church, leaving at 7:30am and returning around 2pm.. I just was in agony at the thought of enduring the kids high pitched squeals, snotty, noses , and poopy pants..(of course I love them!) so I called my mom and she agreed to watch them, only if I could get them over to her house. So , I quickly packed a bag with their clothes, and popped their messy heads, and slipper footed bodies into the car.. and squeamishly made my way across to my mom's.
Truthfully, I don't even remember the drive.
I don't think I ate anything more than about 4 saltine crackers and a 2 liter of diet 7up in the whole two days!! I lay on the couch, while life went on around me... and watched several movies on TBS. I highly recommend the Prince and Me. and lucky for me the sequel came on right after.. though not so good.
My man went and picked up the kids and resumed his daddy duty right away, with not a single grumble. I LOVE him!!
By 6pm, I was really hungry and for some crazy reason, thought that what I wanted to eat was a steak! So my, darling husband took off to the store with my kids, and then prepared a fantastic- hit -the-spot- meal of steak, baked potato, and Caesar salad. It was soooo good. And apparently my aching body approved too. Thank goodness!
Andrew fed the kids, and played with them, and completely cleaned up the kitchen.. then put the kiddos to bed.
I was starting to feel better by around 9pm, so we watched a movie together.
I can't tell you how grateful I am for the man I have beside me. In sickness and in health. for sure! He really goes above and beyond in treating me like a princess. I wish I could treat him with half as much kindness as he dotes on me. What an amazing father he is.. I am truly blesssed.
I can't tell you how grateful I am for the man I have beside me. In sickness and in health. for sure! He really goes above and beyond in treating me like a princess. I wish I could treat him with half as much kindness as he dotes on me. What an amazing father he is.. I am truly blesssed.
I am thankful for my mom's willingness to help out with the kids. It has certainly been something we have not taken for grantid,as she is always inviting them to stay with her, or to take them on special outings. She is has always been quick to help us with whatever we need.
Having my dad just a mile from us, has been great for my kids. Sunday's became special time with Grandpa. Again, at most often a last minute request, dad was always willing to come over to watch the kids. He just moved to Indianapolis..(or as Brigham says his 'other city') and we'll miss not having him so close.
My brother is just across town, though we don't see if as often as we'd like.. its for my kids to have their uncle so close.
So as we come upon this Thanksgiving holiday, I want to let those close to me know how much I am truly grateful for them in my life, and how much they are loved.
and now as I have been blessed.. I want to bless one of YOU!!

Earlier this July I was surprised by my friend RITA, with a gigantic box, full of scrappy goodness. and if you know what an amazing designer she, is you know she has some of the most amazing supplies eV-ah ! seriously.

see that adorable gnome on a rope??? he could be yours!!!

ok, sorry this baby is mine. I'm selfishly keeping this.. goes with too many outfits ! but you can find other fabulous watches and accessories on her site at DETAILS.

So how could YOU get some of this delish stash?? Just leave me a comment (all you lurkers too!!) and tell me what you are Thankful for.
I'll have a drawing on Friday around midnight..(if I survive that late after blackfriday shopping)
ETA: I can't pick a winner, if noone leaves a comment... and I know you are all reading.. lol !!
so even if you've never spoken before, let this be your chance.. to win some goodies!!
Deadline extended to MONDAY DEC. 1ST.
The winner will be posted by Tues Dec 2Nd!
Have a wonderfully safe and satisfying Thanksgiving!!
Sorry you were so sick, but glad you're feeling better! Being up at PU was awesome!! Fun times with friends so I was a happy girl and it was a fantastic day. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!! Oh yeah, and I don't scrap but I'm still Thankful for my lovely friends and family...couldn't make it without them :)
Happy Thanksgiving Elizabeth! I hope that you are feeling better. I am thankful for my family...dave and the kiddos. They enrich my life and fill me with joy. Hope that you had a great Thanksgiving!!
see what i mean?!? you're the most generous person i know!! so i'm thankful that you're such a generous person. people like you make the world a better place. :) and i'm not just butt-kissing to get some free stuff... well, maybe just a little.
see what i mean?!? you're the most generous person i know!! so i'm thankful that you're such a generous person. people like you make the world a better place. :) and i'm not just butt-kissing to get some free stuff... well, maybe just a little.
Wow, that is a LOT of scrapping and fun stuff you got there! Glad you are feeling better and sure hope you had a chance to eat some extra calories that you lost when you were sick! :)Hope you had fun shopping too! I finished all of mine very early this year!!!!
Hey Elizabeth - are you OK? Sounds like you've been seriously sick. Hang in there! Oh, I'm most thankful for health, healing and our family! That scrapbook stuff you make is awesome!
I'm late leaving you a message...I haven't been on my computer for personal use since last tuesday!
Hey! I hope you are feeling better!
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