and if were snow it would have been 16-25 inches!!
(and we did have snow on Monday.) double yuck.We had a couple beautiful days.. sunny, but pretty windy. The kids and I met my friend Kelli at Chick Fil Et on Friday for a rather long play date! The kids play so well together the time just goes by fast!
We used to get together at least once a week, but since we are both dealing with pregnancy, our get togethers have been more like every 2-3 weeks! We are trying to cram the last few all inclusive(family) outings in before she has her baby in just a few weeks!
We realized when we went to Texas Roadhouse about a month ago, that we were a party of 9. and by this summer, we would be a party of 11 including 2 slings and 2 highchairs!! LOL
bet the staff, would run when they see us coming!!
Saturday, Brigham had two birthday parties, though he only attended one. It was one of those tough mommy decisions, b/c both parties were relatively at the same time. So Brigham excitedly picked out the gifts for both friends and we took the gift over to the little boy's house the morning of his party and Brig still got to 'see' him for a bit!
The party he attended was Pirate themed, and Brigham had a blast. We have heard nothing by "arrrrrrgh'"and ''ll shoot you" since he came home!! LOL
even little sis is saying "arrrrrgh" every time, big brother comes out w/ the eye patch and hat on!!
And since now his friends Micah and Noah have turned five, Brig is constantly talking about how long it will be until he will be 5.
gotta get on his party planning. I've got sister's pretty much done for May. I still haven't settled on a theme yet , for Brig's July party.
Sunday we had rain, rain and more rain.
But God knew that we needed to grow.
And thankfully he led us to that perfect place .
Its so exciting to be at a place where we want our friends to experience what we are. Its been a blessing to have the familiarity of nearly 10 friends from our last church and we keep inviting more.
If you're local, and you're reading.. consider this an open invitation to just "TRY" our church once.
( you can find the link on the left)
Brigham has been asking everyone we meet "if they know what kind of Sunday it was"
and then he replies " SUN PALM... the day we celebrate GOD lived!!".
well, he's partially right. pretty cute huh?
I am so excited for Easter this year. He's really starting to get it. He talks about how God had 12 friends and then there were 3 people that didn't like him. and they wanted to kill him. so they put nails in his hands and hit him. and then he died.
Brigham has his Easter program on Thursday, so I am sure he'll learn more, and I'll post pics for sure.
Because of the cold temps and rain, we've been doing a lot of this.

and riding bikes inside. my lil photographer. ya never know what sights you'll see on the trip around the living room!

the kids adore it. they run to the Mac when they hear it ring!!
we use skype and the link for the stories is

Hope you're having a great start to yours!!
Thanks for the reminder that where we all ended up -- one way or another -- is a really great place that challenges us in our faith. I have been down for a few weeks now thinking about the past, and I really needed a pick me up.
I'm so glad you have found your church home. I'm in limbo right now but it is because of life circumstances. I live in NC and my fiance lives in GA. Because we are always traveling to and from each state to see each other it is hard to settle into a church home and really get involved. We do have a church here we like to attend and one there, but I just feel like a nomad right now. It will all come together in due time. You little ones are precious, by the way. Thanks for sharing!
What a refreshing post to read!!! So important to find where we fit in our faith and that our little ones learn what is important in our lives. How wonderful that their grandparents read to them!!! That so touched my heart!!!! Great pics and I love the raincoat!!! So Happy!!! Wishing to a wonderful Wednesday!
Ummm, I want that coat for MYSELF! Too cute!
Stinks that you are getting snow? It's been so cold here too..we had a fire last night ...weird?
and I love your new song on your playlist..that's one of those I LOVE to blast in the car and sing at the top of my lungs too (with no one listening, I hope!)
Our daughter has had the camera pointed at her so many times she thinks the lens faces the wrong way! lol
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