Tuesday, October 21, 2008


*had 6 photoshoots sceduled last week.. whoohoo... sweet families, and cute kids and preggos, and adorable newborns.... ahhhhh. so much fun!

*went to the 3rd annual Breast Cancer awareness fashion show, which was pretty incredible. great testimony, fabulous food, and some amazing clothes sneaks from Talbots. Not usually a Talbots girl.. but I will be venturing in there after pay day.!

*changed 1,456 oozing out of the diaper poopy pants on one terribly sweet but terribly sick little girl.

*started editing pictures... I think its a sickness.. I don't know when to stop! LOL

* watched the debate.. sort of. honestly I don't know if Mc Cain will make it until the election..lol... kidding... I am sure he'll make to at least voting day.

* washed blankets and sheets and many pair of pants from said poopy girl

*had two kidless weekend evenings thanks to grandma watching them

* date night with my hubby where we actually talked about 'real' stuff

* got to teach my 3-4 year olds about the sword of the spirit. its so stinking cool to see these kids soak up how they can be warriors for Christ.. simply by putting on God's armor everyday.

*almost moved to tears and then laughs when 3 kids layed hands on each other during prayer time about a finger, a booty, and sores on a bottom. I am pretty sure God hears their prayers .. and doesn't laugh.

* hung out with friends at our 3rd annual pumpkin patch party. We all treked out to Millenium Farms, for hay rides, animals, corn mazes and barrel rides. Then we met back at our house for some dynamite chicken chili .. (thanks Andrew, for following the recipe) and lots of other good fall eats

*finally got Brig's halloween page scrapped from last year..

*watched a pretty cute movie.."definately maybe". pretty cute. kinda drags out. but in the end pretty cute.

* off to scrap a few more pages for the Scrapfriendzy challenges



kristina proffitt said...

Hi Elizabeth! I've been wanting to e-mail you, but can't find your e-mail anywhere! LOL! E-mail me at kristinaproffitt@bellsouth.net!

Thanks! :)

AmyG said...

Hey girlie! Just checkin' in! Glad to hear things are good!!
Wish we were closer so you could take pics of my family!!


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