these were taken from our first trip to the patch. it was really nice weather, and the kids didn't have to have coats on. the sun was shining, and we all had a great time in the beautiful crisp autumn air. however, since we were meeting all of our friends here, and because we were almost 20 mintues late(yeah.. to the thing that we organized.. lol) we missed the hayride out to the patch.
it was funny, b/c when we arrived, we didn't see anyone we knew... then one family showed up.. and we were like " well, this could be it!".. I was kinda bummed b/c I had gotten rsvps and was expecting like 25-30 people! and had planned for that much in the way of food for back at our house afterwards.
well the wagon pulls up a few minutes later, and all our friends hop off of the wagon!
They were all on it, and didn't even know they were part of our "group"!!
We had invited, neighbors, and old church friends along with new church friends.. so no body really knew each other..
I always like to mix it up sometimes with our parties , and introduce other people instead of just staying with the same old crowd.. you never know who is going to really find something in common with someone else!

Her signature finger thing!

I think he was trying to tell me not to take his picture. He looks rather constipated doesn't he?

most of our group!

of course, both kids wouldn't look at the camera!
we had saved our tickets and headed out this past Sunday after church as a family.
the weather was super cold, and super windy. they didn't even have the big bounce up, because it would have ended up in the next county.. lol !

but we had fun despite the frigid winds

of course, her finger thing again

daddy and his little punkin head

after the hayride out to the patch.. Brigham could not wait to find his pumpkin!

Tatum trying to keep her balance, as the wind was pretty fierce.. she only fell a couple times.. and once I realized the pumpkin vines had thorns all over them.. I wasn't laughing at my little girl any more!!

the boys in search of their prize
the pumpkin on the ground is not one we chose.
we found 4 perfectly round jumbo(fitting for our family.. lol) pumpkins.Two orange. and by request - Two green ones for Brig and Tate.
We will be carving them up tonight... should be fun.. or maybe just a lot of work and arguing.
Ummm. yeah, that cat would be perfect..must get that bucket of chipboard..and that dress is adoooorable...looks like a great time..and love that picture of you and T at the end..good for you for showing up in some pictures..I'm on a mission about
Very cute pictures and the party was a blast . . . thanks for inviting us!!
how fun! i love a good pumpkin patch! great photos you got there and way to go for getting in on the action! us moms don't do that near enough!!
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