so we celebrated SIX years of wedded bliss... (ok, for any of you married people.. ya know that is just a sayin' right?? lol) on Sunday.
actually things just keep getting better and better... love comes with age and patience.. and learning.. and listening... and a whole bunch of other stuff =P.

so A had to go into church early to work the sound board.. so I got the kids ready and we showed up to service.. which was A-mazing .. yet again. seriously.. I wish I would have found this church years ago.. would have saved a whole heck of a lot of grief and stress.. not to mention I would have been getting biblical truth....ok, I digress...
after church, I dropped the kids off at my moms house, and then Andrew and I went to a late lunch at a really great restaurant. We had several places in mind in our quaint little downtown area, but none of them were open on Sunday. So we ended up at Mountain Jacks. There was hardly anyone there.. the lights are totally dim, we had private seating.. and enjoyed the leisurely hour and a half meal, where we were not interrupted by anything! =) ok, I take that back.. my five trips to the bathroom, kinda interrupted the
the only thing that would have made it better, was if I could have enjoyed a glass of wine with my hubby. We had amazing Cajun shrimp for an appetizer and then stuffed ourselves on an amazing salad, and then barely made it through some incredible steak.Oh, and can't forget the mile high mud pie for dessert =)
We had a great time, and then went back to the ol' apartment where we first lived when moving to Indiana. We parked the car and took the same route(with out the fighting, this time!!) walking around the complex until we came to this spot.

a proposal!!!

we've certainly come a long way baby....

and here he is re enacting the proposal! (though I am pretty sure he didn't get down on his knee the last time !!)
anyway, after going down memory lane, we headed to McDonald's to get one of their iced coffee drinks, and then we headed to a park near my mom's house. We just sat on the swing and talked more.. so nice not to have the distractions of the kids!!
We went back to pick up the kids who had been swimming all afternoon, and they were not ready to leave. So my mom ordered pizza for us all and we just hung out a little longer.
She had given my two flats of flowers ,so after we got the kids in bed, my loving husband came out with me at 9pm to help plant! We were supposed to be getting rain, and I wanted the plants in the ground before hand.. not to mention baby could come any time.
turns out I over did it on celebrating my anniversary..
ended up in the hospital around 1am Sunday/Monday morning.. with high blood pressure.
I had gone to bed around midnight, but just couldn't get calmed down. I was anxious(I have no idea and was extremely jittery. My feet and hands were numb, and I was having trouble breathing. So I came out to tell Andrew and then I really felt like I was going to pass out.
I am not one to over react on things, but I really felt like something could be wrong and I just wanted to get checked out.
good thing I guess, b/c the dr . on call gave me meds to bring the b/p down, and he wanted to me to stay all night for observation.
needless to say the kids did enjoy their new surroundings in the hospital room(they were bouncing off the walls), until around 4am, and then Andrew took them down to the van in the parking lot, so we could all attempt to sleep.
everything ended fine, and now we are still just waiting... and waiting.... and I am getting more an more annoyed.
the only good thing was that I was in Hobby Lobby today getting stuff to make Brig's bday invitations, and a lady commented on when I was due. when I told her Sat... she was like
"no way, you are so small.. my daughter is due in a month and she is huge. I don't think she'll make it that long. Seriously , you are due in 3 days? You are not even swollen or anything!"
so yeah.... a complete stranger made my day!!
Gotta get moving.. we're hosting life group tonight, but be sure to check back for updates!
(and if you're the praying type.. you can send a shout up for me to have this baby before the 4th! I just really don't want this kid to share it with the fireworks!)
What a happy story, until the not feeling well and hospital stay!!!! What a wonderful family and you are so very blessed. I will send prayers that the baby makes a date to arrive before the 4th! :) Have a great day!!
Happy Anniversary! Hope that kid comes soon.
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