if you know me at all, then you know I don't slow down for much.
As my husband said over the weekend.. "most people go out one or two times a week.. not us, we are only HOME, maybe one or two times a week!! ".
yep. seriously. I love to be on the go, and have a full schedule. I love to be out and about.
with the addition of little Beckham, we haven't really even taken time to breathe.. that is what the hospital stay was for right?
and even then, I couldn't really just 'sit' in the bed.
We have been blessed with this baby, as we were in the past with wonderful people bringing us meals. I honestly feel a bit guilty, when I open the door, and people say , "gosh , you look so good!".
and I have had so many people in disbelief that we have been out on the town so soon after having a baby.
what did they expect me to be all disheveled and spending the day in jammies, with out my hair combed?
actually, if I looked like that, and the house was a mess, I think I would feel better about people bringing us dinner.. b/c I'd fee like I truly needed the help.
does that make sense?
That is just not me. I like to have my hair and make up done, and I am loving that I can wear all my pre pregnancy clothes ! I have lost the 34 pounds that I gained and then some because of nursing. *fastest weight loss plan out there.. lol and very good for the self esteem!*
All the water retained thru delivery is gone, and I am feeling great! It could be an unfortunate thing that I bounce back within hours really, of giving birth. It kinda makes me want to do it again.. (and soon =)...
Anyway, I had to realize that people want to serve us, during this time, and that I need to learn to "let" them do so.
After all, I love doing these kinds of things for others, so I guess, I oughta sit back and accept help from others.
and if people's motives are genuine , then it is a extension of the church community showing love to one another. so I am learning to "accept help and kindness and gifts from people" .. something I am not good at doing.
and it has been nice not to have the prep and clean up work that comes with cooking. its enabled us to have more family time .
not to mention, we have had some amazing dishes, that I hope to get the recipes for =)
so in our little guy's 16 days of life:
we have taken nightly walks.
gone for ice cream
gone out to eat several times and getting the routine down fairly easily
we've taken several trips to the local zoo, and one trip on Brig's bday to the Indianapolis zoo.
(I'll do a post about that later!)
we went to Don Pablo's with grandpa and uncle monkey
for Brigham's birthday celebration #1
some one liked wearing a big hat.

finished up swimming lessons. though mommy missed the last day due to having Beckham.
grandma subbed in that day.
and we've been going to the parks
finished up swimming lessons. though mommy missed the last day due to having Beckham.
grandma subbed in that day.
and we've been going to the parks
(texas roadhouse for Brig's bday dinner #2)
and swimming in the back yard

and being cute

and playing in the garden
and swimming in the back yard
and being cute

and playing in the garden
Beckham has joined the ranks of the other kids at being lugged thru Hobby Lobby and Target.
I started re organizing my scrap space over the weekend, and so I had to go get more albums, so I can actually put the pages (that are covered with inches of dust.. lol) away.
I am really getting the itch to start scrapping and I just can't do it with all the chaos that is on my table!
We've also made a couple trips to the mall, so that I could score some good deals for Miss Tatum for next summer. I always like to buy her dresses ahead.. since there is so much available to buy for her, gotta get the deals when I can!
(so at least I can kinda justify it to Andrew!)
(so at least I can kinda justify it to Andrew!)
I think God knew what he was doing when he blessed us with another boy. he knew our bank acct could not afford another girl =P
Oh, and Beck had his first night away(ok, really just about 3 hours!)... last Thursday, Andrew and I went to see a friend's band play at this cool patio bar, and well, we just didn't feel right taking the babe. so he joined brother and sister for play time at grandmas. however, the report was that he never woke up once!
actually, that is what makes it so easy to do all the above mentioned outings with a 16 day old.. he is a fantastic sleeper!!
we are really lucky.
Baby Beckham also has endured a five day, one week and two week photo session.
I almost have all the edits done, and will post them.
He had his 2 wk dr. appt yesterday, and tipped the scales at 8 lbs 12 oz.
so he basically has gained 10 oz since birth. and gained a 1/4 inch in length.
we are still soaking up every adorable minute we have with this little one.. while he stays little!!
because as soon as the mobile stage is upon us, we may just be staying put a little longer!!
So glad you are doing well! You always were on the go... I'm a little opposite of that - if we are gone more than a few days/nights a week it is just too much. I like to be here - and the kids do too. :-) So, so happy for you - that you are recovering well, etc. How is the baby sleeping? That is what kind of caught up to me around the 2 or 3 month mark - the constant sleep interruptions. Ahh... It goes by so quick though!!! Enjoy these times - and be sure and let people help!!! I am with you too - when we had our third I felt much better than I had with the previous two - and life has to keep going on - the baby just adjusts to your routine as well. It is nice when they still sleep that much! Have a great week friend...
Glad to hear you recovered so quickly! What fun you seem to be having! Also glad to hear you are willing to accept the generosity of others. I am with ya when it comes to accepting help...not real good at it. But you have your heart right and see it for what it is. Love the photos...looking forward to the ones of your new little man!
Yes, I'm also glad you are doing well. Easy deliveries make easy recoveries and with #3 you need EASY!! Enjoy the meals as way to give you more time with your family instead of having to cook and clean. This time around that is what I'm loving most about the meals. Sounds like Beckam is doing well too. Victoria has finally grown to be a better sleeper but my kids never sleep like your kids!! Count your blessings!!
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