ok, blog readers... I need your help.
worked up three different birth announcements of our little guy and now I can't decide which one to send out! so leave me a comment and let me know your vote!! =)
#2(this one was designed by my friend Farrah)
or if you see some pictures from my previous post that you would like to see put in one of the above, or switched up a bit.. suggest that too =)
thanks for playin'!!!
I vote for #1!! Great work
I vote for #1. But they are all adorable!
I'm terrible at picking stuff like this..but I'm going with #1 too..however, it looks like you need one little space under the red B circle and the date and stuff..maybe just add one line space in there and everything will look more evenly space..
All of them are cute though! Have been enjoying your pictures of your sweet little fella..he sure is handsome!
love them all! i love the picture in #1 most, then in the design of #3
did you do them in photoshop? i want to learn!!
I didn't read the comments until after I picked the one I like best. They are all great but I really like #1.
I didn't read the comments until after I picked the one I like best. They are all great but I really like #1.
I like #3 because we can see his beautiful eyes!! but of course they all rock!
It was a tough decision, but I think #3. Good luck deciding! :)
#1 #1 #1
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