ok, so its no surprise that I like my birthday. well, I don't really like that the numbers keep getting higher, but I do like getting to celebrate with family and friends.
A huge thank you to all of you that emailed, called and sent cards! I definately felt the love! =)
for some reason, this years celebration lasted several days.. and included lots of eating . I am pretty glad that I am eating for two, b/c otherwise, I probably would have gained 15 lbs!!! LOL

We had a great time hanging out at home, and my dad surprised me with several new prego outfits and a mega pampering package from a local spa. Thanks dad!!
On, Wednesday, I had to co hostess a meeting for my PEO chapter, and afterwards, my mom asked if we wanted to go grab lunch. I was hesitant, b/c I knew we'd be going out the next day.. but she insisted, ( a little grandkid withdrawal) and so we went to this little neighborhood place. I ordered a salad and a gyro. the place is run by Greek people, and they make the most incredible gyros. The problem is that with the space in my belly being in competition with a little person rolling around, I seem to get full really fast. And so I ate the salad, and took the entire gyro home!
Thursday (my actual BDAY), I went furniture shopping with my mom in the morning. I am really close to narrowing my decision for our new chair. Maybe I'll request the help of my bloggin' friends....
so afterwards, I picked up Brig and we went to my all time favorite Mexican restaurant. And I know some of you are saying, "well, I thought you loved Little Mexico two?".
well, I do. But this place was my first love. Used to go there all the time growing up. and thru college, my roommates and I would go all the time. My husband hates it. like with a passion hates it. so I never, ever get to go there.
And so we drove clear to the other side of town, to Pepe's. And I ordered the thing I have ordered for the last 10-12 years!! Enchillada suizas.. two beef, one chicken. and it was heaven.
(of course I took half of it home, though!!)
And Brigham was excited b/c I got sung to and had to wear a 'french ' hat.( he got his countries mixed up)and we got to share some fried ice cream. Yumm.
Andrew was wanting to celebrate on Thursday, but he had a big project he had to present that day, so he came home from work.. got the kids dinner and then went and picked my up a chicken wrap from a little cafe close by.
And after the kids got to bed, we curled up to watch LOST. yeah, we had to wait a day.. because I signed us up for a marriage class that meets until 9pm on Wed nights. um, yeah.. not a very respectful wife thing to do. I was really sorry, and he agreed that he'll just download the episodes, and for the next 2 months, he will suffer thru the chatter at work, and avoid all podcasts until after he's seen it. He told me he was putting our time to work on our marriage first. and so we basically get two date nights out of it a week. bonus =).
I'll post later about the class we're taking. I think its going to be awesome! Oh, and I am going to try and post a recap LOSt post on Wednesdays, before the new epis, in case anyone wants to chat. this season, is already making me mad. so many unanswered questions! ugh! i love the suspense though, and hate that we have to wait a whole week!!
Andrew took the day off work on Friday. He got up with the kids. I got to sleep in. I was supposed to have a photo shoot , but it was cancelled. A friend called that morning and I stayed in bed until 11am chatting with her for nearly over an hour!!
He changed all the dirty diapers. He cleaned the bathrooms. He emptied the dishwasher. And he vacuumed the living room . He and Brigham went to pick up my 'surprise cake' from my favorite local bakery and brought home lunch. I took a nap and he played with the kids.. and changed another horrible poopy diaper!
and then he took the kids to the store to get the fixings to make my birthday dinner.

Andrew cleaned up the kitchen and got the kids to bed, and we were going to watch a movie, but I fell asleep! So I was in bed by around 10pm!! getting older, takes it out of ya.. lol !
and tonight we were invited to go to dinner with our close friends Greg and Kelli. Her bday is just 3 days before mine, and for the last three years we've celebrated together. Actually, this is the couple/family, that we have done New year's Eve, 4th of July, Halloween, Labor Day or Memorial day or both, and our husbands and kids birthday celebrations with for the last three years!!
We always have so much fun hanging out! So, they asked us to go to this great upscale steak and fish place. I am looking forward to an evening without kids!
Both of us girls are pregnant again, and we both have become lax on watching the 'no-no's' of pregnancy, so I'll see if we can convince each other to a glass of wine tonight.
and then I think I'll go back to saltines and water for awhile.. LOL !
I'm glad you had a good b-day!! and Tatum's pigtails are absolutely adorable...hope to see you guys sometime soon!!
much love,
p.s. love the background music ; )
Yes I agree . . .Tatum is looking so adorable!!! Happy birthday!! What an amazing week for you!
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