it has been a crazy , busy, week and I am ready for the weekend! (though it is just as packed! LOL)
Started last Sunday, when we finally had Brigham's fifth birthday party- can you guess the theme?
Totally not my usual kind of party, and if you know me or have been following my blog, then you know I LOVE my theme parties! But I had to exercise the act of the submissive wife. Um, yeah... totally went with respecting my husband's thoughts on the whole party thing this year, considering we just bought a much more expensive van, and just had a baby and such. it actually worked out fine, though, printing up the invitations, was a stretch for me .... I'll post them, and several pics from the party. The kids did all have a great time! The parents must have too, b/c it was supposed to end at 6pm, and people were not really leaving until after 7pm!! It was nice not to have to prep or clean up too much. Which is always my stress out turn into mega [B] , and Andrew and I don't speak for awhile time.
So, yeah... didn't have that. Was able to talk to all our friends, instead of being the party planner and dictator. Watch for a post coming soon on that.
Also, this week, was Kindergarten registration! WHOO HOO! somebody is excited. oh and Brigham is looking forward to it too. lol.
no really, this has been yet, another time, in me learning to do the whole submit to your husband thing.
We had signed him up for half day last March during the round- up. I guess, I never considered that we would do anything other than send him to half day. I was already planning how I'd pick him up at lunch time, come home, get the kids lunch... watch their show, and then they would all go down for naps. I had already talked with friends of mine, about getting together in the afternoons, for play dates..In my mind, it was a done deal.
Well, Andrew had really been thinking that all day kindergarten would be best. Our school doesn't offer half day.. it really just offers 3 full day classes, and if you want to have your child in half day, then you have to pull him, out and provide transportation at lunch time. So basically just a few kids would be leaving around lunch every day. Andrew didn't want Brig to be one of those kids.
So anyway, unbeknownst to me, Andrew had called the principal a few weeks ago, and got him switched to full day. I was a little thrown off , when I got the letter from his teacher, saying he would be in half day, but then it was crossed off, and hand written 'full day'. hmmmmm.
It took me a few days to soak it in and to be honest, I still go back and forth with it. There are days, where I am super excited.. looking forward to being able to spend special time with just Tatum and the baby. Tatum has been kind of shoved into Brigham's world for awhile, and I think it would be great to do age appropriate things with her. Also, I really do think that Brigham would love learning all day. The socialization would be great for him as well. I just worry that it is going to be such a long day for him. Especially, when he takes a two hour nap like he did today. Its going to be a big adjustment for all of us.. considering we don't get up before 9am.. and don't eat dinner until at least 7pm!!
Um, now we are going to be putting Brig in bed by 7pm.. (or at least starting the bath process, to be in bed by 7:30p.)....
Thankfully, his school doesn't start until 8:55am, but he will be taking the bus( another BIG thing for me to get used too....) and I don't know yet, what time our stop is.
sorry , to ramble on and on... not like I am the first mom of a kindergartner , I know... I just was thinking I would have an 'ease' into this whole letting your kid go.. thing..
But, he did have fun getting his supplies. And yep, I was the nutzo mom with my big honkin camera in Wal -Mart.
C'mon, people, you know that I have to scrap this right?
though he doesn't look happy here.. he really was having fun.
though he doesn't look happy here.. he really was having fun.
She now gets the spot inside the cart, so that baby Beckham can ride up front.
And also, this week, I managed to get a few more pics of Mr. Beckham.
If you read my previous post, you see that I started the traditional.. "month" pose.
Never did that with the other kids. I hope I remember to do this, I think it will be fun to scrap.
We had his 1month check up and the kid is in the 81st percentile.
weighs 10# 11oz
length is 22 1/2 inches long!
(also way bigger than the other kids at this age)
the Dr. was pretty impressed . guess my milk is doing the trick. I can't wait for the rolls to set in!
LOVE me some chubby baby!!

Love this bottom one. You can kinda see how pudgy his belly is getting =)

Here are just a few fun pics from
VBS last week. Had to put together a slide show for church. I took about 300 pics, and then narrowed them down and edited just 60. The shaved ice was a big hit.
The lighting was terrible here, not sure why he is so washed out. ugh.
and here is my guy trying to pop the balloon with his booty. Poor guy, finally did it, and then was in pain the rest of the night.
He seriously has no padding. And we found out during his Five year physical this week, that he sits in the 21st percentile for weight!!!
the kid eats like crazy too... I am convinced that it is because he just never stops moving.
Gosh, I wish I could be that way!
And we also had T ball practice. This was our second week, and the second time that practice got rained out and postponed to the following day. So we raced to practice.. picture day. But I did not pay for the pictures. totally over priced. and really there are only four kids showing up out of the eight that are supposed to be on his team. this is not the big leagues. lol
But he still can swing and hit the ball. He is really having fun at this.
We came home from practice to life group, which we host, and were late for. Everyone is so laid back, and we actually didn't even do our study, we just sat around and talked. still good stuff.
Grandma surprised us , coming to take our kids and the others out for a walk around the neighborhood.
Here is another picture of him in the field. He really enjoys chasing after the balls.
And we have had some time with Grandpa.(again hate the lighting here. it was so bright.. (definately a no- no for good pictures, but I just wanted to snap one). If you all notice, I don't spend a whole lot of time editing snapshots.. lol...
Here is another picture of him in the field. He really enjoys chasing after the balls.
And we have had some time with Grandpa.(again hate the lighting here. it was so bright.. (definately a no- no for good pictures, but I just wanted to snap one). If you all notice, I don't spend a whole lot of time editing snapshots.. lol...
And some park time with Uncle Brian.
Love this picture of Tatum. It shows what a big girl she is. The kid has no fear, unlike her older brother. Definitely have to watch her like a hawk. So interesting how different two siblings can be. Makes me excited to see how number three will turn out.
It was tons of fun even though we didn't win anything. There wasn't really anything in the silent auction we wanted either.We tried to win at the pull tabs and 50/50 too. No go.oh, well. It was a fun night out, minus kids.Beck had his second night away and did great.
Seriously, after two beers, I was almost buzzing.
I think Beckham enjoyed nursing after that. He slept well and only woke up once last night!
hmmmm. maybe mama should always drink before going to bed!! LOL
so that was our week... and I am tired.
Got to be at a T-ball game at 8:30 in the morning, and then I have two photo shoots.
Hoping to get some more scrapping done this weekend too. We were planning on going to the zoo , Sunday, but the forecast is 95 degrees. a bit much to be out in with a baby.
counting down the days til school. He starts next Thursday! YIKES!
I so enjoyed this post....seeing your beautiful children and family and seeing the everyday moments!!!!! I just adore the pics of the Baby and yes, he going to be full of rolls!!!! Darling!!! Have a great weekend and enjoy T Ball!!! :)
great shots! love the tubbers on the baby, thats the best!
Love the pictures!!! The whole K thing . . . it is hard letting go! Glad t-ball is working out and I wish we could've played this year too.
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