Tuesday, September 29, 2009

sweet stuff

made these yummy black and gold cupcakes in honor of the Boilers on Sat. this is the most heavenly of cupcakes that I have made lately. the icing is divine.
and we ate way too many of these on Sunday as we sulked in the horrible loss to Notre Dame , Sat night. though being only the 6th night game in Ross Ade history, the crowd was pumped.. until the coach started calling ridiculous plays. nuf said about that. hopefully this week for homecoming, we'll do better =)
and then since we finally have fall weather, and I am loving it.. made some carmel corn for a surprise after school snack for Brig. I promise he did get to try it. (though mom and dad have had their share too)

and the sweetest lil man ever? love it when his eyes light up and sparkle like that!

he just melts me. and he'll be 3 months old on Saturday.
.....and for those of you have noticed my sweet tooth.. yes, I have been keeping up with my walking routine. (almost) every day, after the bus pick up, I have been doing 1.5-2 miles. it really helps get my day off to a great start!
(and lets me continue to enjoy the sweetness of the season.. pumpkin spice lattes anyone?)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

look WHOOOOOOO surprised me?

is this not the CA-UTEST mug ever??? my friend Nichole sent it to me and just in time for fall. I have already had many cups of joe, but I am looking forward to hot spiced cider and peppermint hot chocolate.
Somehow, even though we're nearing October, I just can't drink hot apple cider when its 80 degrees outside! Thanks friend, you're the best, and I will think of you sweetie, whenever I drink from him =) *******************************************

Don't think I shared this pic of my little guy . So trendy to go out and buy the IKEA doll bed.. however, I had this one and it has character. lol.. it used to be mine when I was a kid, and for Christmas last year, my mom made a new set of sheets, and a blanket and pillow that matched Tatum's room decor. She LOVES it.. and always has to 'put baby in bed' when she wakes up in the morning.. funny that when she awakes, it is time for her doll babies to sleep!!
anyway, I almost waited too long as my little guy is about to bust out of the thing! I am thinking of joining the bandwagon and getting the natural one from IKEA and painting it white.. just because I don't want to paint this one.. but we'll see, b/c I am starting the process of getting Tatum's big girl room ready, and while the garden / shabby chic theme won't change, I will finally be adding the picket fence, since it will fit now that the crib will be gone. I have this idea in my head since before she was born.. so we'll see if I can get it all to play out.. and then I have to tackle the 'boys' room.
so back to the bed.. I have a newborn session next week, and I am excited to try a couple different poses with a teeny tiny babe. =)

and remember when I took Brig's 5 year old pics? Well I put together a collage, so that it will be easy to scrap it up!. always thinking.... (I figure if I can digitally create multi pic collages) then I'll have to stress less about how I will fit the zillion pics I take onto a certain page.
I have created about 10 diff collages in Picasa lately, so hopefully this weekend, I can actually slap those babies down on paper , add a title and my journaling.. and call it done!

and so it is officially FALL. although the weather has been steamy and miserable. I want to wear my sweaters and jewel tones, and I just don't feel right doing it when it is in the 80's. It is supposed to drop down to the 60's next week. we shall see. I have my garden all ready, and mums planted.. now I have to get the inside done.
totally wanted to do it before we hosted Life group last night, but it wasn't going to happen, and so I gave myself grace to just wait for the weekend. I did pull out all the totes out of the garage. that counts for something right?

look at the punkin head dude! so adorable. swiped it from my friend Heather's blog. I need to find out where it is from. Ballard's maybe? I haven't gotten their new catalog yet. I always let myself buy one or two new things per season. ( and I usually toss a couple as well that I don't use anymore)
this guy may just have to be mine.
and so of course lots going on... we are trying to plan a trip to CO in about two weeks. We were not sure about it, but finally decided last week, that we would go out for Andrew's brother's wedding. The Miller side has not met Tatum yet, (or Beckham of course) so it will be fun and I am excited for Andrew to spend time with his bio dad. We'll stay at the Hollands so we'll get lots of grandpa and grandma time too. It will be fast trip, and we are driving out which makes me a bit nervous. Flying had advantages in saving us time, but had issues with the logistics of 3 little ones, a vehicle and car seats once we got there, etc.
so we're driving.. and did I say that I was nervous? yep. pray for me on that one =)
So our Life group started a new 6 week series called RESET and I am so excited. It is really interactive, and thought provoking. Its aim is about us "RESETTING" what we think about who Jesus is.
I shared that I picture him to be the South Park Jesus. ha. ha.
I also shared that I bet Jesus cut it up, and farted in front of the disciple dudes, and then tried to blame it on someone else. ok. well he probably farted, but the passing the blame - that would be sin. and we all know JC didn't sin.
(I hope no one busts me for sharing something from group... I said it. so maybe that is ok, right?)
I would love to be able to share on the blog bits and pieces as we go along. I'll have to figure out how to, without breaking the confidentiality rules. =P. I just know it is going to be very. cool.
and so along, with the anticipated trip, the changing of T's room, I have also started the process of searching out designs to change our guest bathroom. totally thought I had it figured out yesterday.. (curtain, paint color, etc).. until I went back to read online the reviews. found out that the curtain showed under the 'fabric' listing is actually vinyl. puke.
so I am going to start over. but at least I have a place to go from now. excited to start some little updates around the house.
afterall, we have been here four years!
and heading into the most beautiful season, I am finding that my photography is picking up, which while I love it.. and love meeting new people and playing with babies, and capturing family moments and etc. etc.
I tend to stress myself out a bit. but I thrive on stress. so (don't hesitate if you want to book a session- I do better under stress )! I am also in the process of coming up with a new website- I think.-
we've got a busy weekend already, and I just keep cramming more stuff onto my plate.
My husband tells me to stop and b-r-e-a-t-h-e.......
(but then I found this on my friend Kelsey's blog)

and I like it ever so much more.
and with that , I am off to eat some ice cream, that Andrew surprised me with last night!
night all !

Monday, September 21, 2009

a blog without pictures is

like an ice cream shoppe with no mint chip
absolutely ridiculous, and not worthy of my patronage .
I had a blog post worked up in my head, and well, Mr. Blogger is not cooperating with my desires to share the fruits of my labor from the weekend(I'll leave you in suspense as to what those 'fruits' may be.. LOL) with you all. So I'll leave you with a poll question that I received in an email this morning.
taken from a Christianity Newsletter thingy, that my mom signed me up for:
Question: Is it wrong for a Christian to drink beer?
hmmmm. I have some thoughts on this, but I'd LOVE to hear yours!
Leave me a comment. Express yourself!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

a bit of a recap

so yeah.. can't believe I went that long w/o blogging! what is wrong with me?!! LOL
(ok, don't answer that!)... we have had a lot going on.. some good and some not so good that has been consuming our time.
let's start with the good stuff, shall we? Brigham finished a stellar season of t-ball. um, yeah, I am pretty sure that Tatum could have coached a better team then the coach we had.. geesh. I should have known going into it, since she is the same chic that taught Tatum's swimming class, remember her Kelli? This girl was so lazy, and did absolutely nothing.. sometimes not even getting into the water, b/c it was um.. cold.
But luckily some of the dad's and a mom stepped in to help the poor kids. I mean she was more worried about tossing her hair, and watching the cars go by than she was teaching the kids. She basically showed up late each practice and said "play amongst yourselves".. to 4-5 year olds! but the kids had fun, some too much fun as they did cartwheels in the out, no wait the in field... sat on the bases and played hand slapping games in the dug out. the classic moments were when the kid (s) ran the opposite direction when we had to play a game on a middle school football field. (the lines got him all confused). and when every time the ball is hit.. a mob of uncoordinated children trample over each other all going for the ball, which no one even seems to recover said ball.

But if you had fun. and you got a certificate and a trophy. AND a free game at MONSTER MIN GOLF.. then it was a successful season. =)
( and luckily Grandma took him to his celebratory monster mini golf game).. lol
Andrew and I headed to a downtown festival of sorts.. (more like all the home less people came out for the free beer)... shame on me.
I have to say though, there was a time, when I feared a bit for me life, as we wedged ourselves(and our beast of a double stroller) thru the sea of beer drinking and french fry contest eaters!
I did feel somewhat compassionate, as a homeless man proudly waved his trophy in the air for winning the contest!
the shops were open late and there were lots of vintage-y craft type booths-
(yes, Heather, I said, vintage, as in old, as in smelly. and yes some of it smelled bad.)
oh, and speaking of your gift is in the mail =)
We also went to a community bbq which we do every year. its always fun. always interesting. and there is always drama. well.. unsaid drama. but drama never the less. ugh.
Brigham braved the pirate ship obstacle course.
and road a pony. I am pretty sure he is negotiating the sale of the thing.. b/c when we went over to the booth, the lady said they were done giving rides. minutes later, my kid is up on a horse.
somehow, he can always talk them into it.
(remember the Free dessert he talked the girl into at the jazz and blues festival a couple weeks ago?)

and our church had a picnic. actually before the above mentioned picnic.
so yeah.. we ate very well two weeks ago, Sunday. we did not labor at all and enjoyed the food and company of friends.

Tatum was a little unsure of the games...

and a new year of MOPS started up!! So excited for this year. I am so thankful that God led me to this group of women. It is such an authentic group. down to the core.
no games. no fuss. no drama.
just real. love it.
so yeah.. brought a friend with me this year and I look forward to seeing how God will encourage the women at my table and I hope I will be able to be a good leader.
ps. if you have a MOPS group anywhere near you , and you're NOT part of it. check it out!
it will be so worth it. it has blessed me in many ways for most of the years I have been a mom.
and my little guy turned two months.
and we found out at his Dr. appt. yesterday. that he is not. so. little.

weighed in at a whopping 14 pounds
24 3/4 inches long
95 percentile in both
YAY for big babies.. cept I kinda wish he was a girl, so I could test out the leg warmers I got for photo shoots. had them in my stash for awhile.. and just haven't had sessions with the right size little legs!

mister blue eyes.... and when he smiles... he just melts me.
oh , and PURDUE WON their first game.. which we took the kids too(two weekends ago) . all decked out in Purdue gear, ready for hours of tailgating. so where are the pictures you ask?
oh, as we packed up the car, and the stroller and made sure everything was ready.. battery was charged, etc.... of course we get there, and I have no memory card.
I had taken them both out to clean them off for a photo shoot I had later on that day.
so we'll definitely be re enacting in a couple weeks at PU's homecoming game.
And I will be making the bloody Mary's this time... husband has lost his job when he mixed 1:1 ratio of vodka to mix.
um, yeah.. can you say "fire in your mouth?!!!"
and my big kindergartner had his school pictures last week. and since I never am happy with his school pictures.. (mostly b/c of the hideous backgrounds)...I decided to take my own.
actually my husband was pretty upset that I was going to write a check to the company when I take pictures for a living.
(ok, so we don't live on the money I make taking pictures... but its a start. and we certainly don't live on the money I make cleaning up poop.. ).. and that is a story for another day!
anyway.. got some really good ones, and I'll have them posted on my photog site soon.but I'll leave you with one of my sweet little boy.


Had two photo sessions that I am trying to sort thru too many incredibly cute shots to edit. Will post those on my site soon too.
*shameless* plug... if you are in the need for family or child portraits.. NOW is the time.
Dates are filling fast, and if you want an outdoor session with the fall color, there is a small window of time 'around these here parts'!
so... head over to my site.. and EMAIL ME =)
I also am going to be sharing new holiday cards.. soon..
you think I am crazy... but 'tis almost the season!
Had a fun scrap party Friday night, and busted out a mere 3 1/2 pages...
but I had a really good time chatting =)
heading off to scrap some more now, so I'll post some pages later this week.
so that is a recap of the good stuff going on... and the bad stuff...
well.. let's just not talk about it, k?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

has it been that long?

geesh.. can't believe I haven't blogged in 9 days!!
lots going on.. some I can share.. some I can't =(...

trying to get a home work assignment finished with Brigham.. he is TOP DOG tomorrow.. lots of important duties.. ya know.. LOL

will post about our happenings tomorrow! just wanted to check in! have a good night! =)

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

the birthday bash!

does this give it away?
you think you know the theme right? well.. if you know me, then you know I am all. about. themes. hardcore.

so since, I am not a fan of the mouse house, or chee chees, or chucky's , as it is referred to around our house.. but I did have one little boy that would be super excited.. and one husband that was thinking 10 friends at this place would be severely cheaper then the $400-500 usually spent on a birthday party... and since I just had a baby, and figured my time could be better spent w/o the set up and clean up....

I decided to give in...... very. reluctantly. In fact, the poor kid's party got pushed back 3 times, b/c I was having a hard time actually creating the invitations (and putting a date on them!)

I still themed it up a tad...

and each kid got a lei, (this also helped us in keeping track of our kiddos)

some kids were so excited, that they couldn't eat their pizza!

and other's were just plain happy

and this birthday boy was pretty stoked about his cake. he requested a pineapple upside down cake. but since I kinda like to decorate cakes.. I persuaded him for this one... he was not disappointed.

the kids were off and running.. with what started out as 25 tokens each.. but we are suckers, and well... they just go so fast.. and the kids were having so much fun. So Andrew bought some more, and then he quickly became each child's very best friend.

here are some of them driving....

(totally deleted this and can't get it back to place here..)

so picture, Lilly, Adam, Gabby, Michaela, Hannah and Brigham


and some dancing

ahhh. the presents.. or in this case a very well thought out, and created with a catholic prayer card, penny, random jewels all on a card. Michaela has a future in the greeting card business.

t balls and batting gloves, and baseball cards!! very cool

and of course, out of all the awesome toys.. the boy loves his book...

here is baby sister, having a blast driving the jeep!

oh , and in case you didn't catch it... it was a CHUCK E CHEESE LUAU....

and in case you're interested here are some of my other parties...
(click on each for a link to the party )!!

and yes.... already got themes in my head planned for this year =)


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